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Box this!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Guelph

Today, a woman started giving me grief because we didn't have any Boxing Day sales. As I explained to her that dollar stores don't usually have sales, she tried to lamp me. It ended by her getting dragged out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 114
You deserved it 2 857

Top comments

The dollar store is expensive... GIVE THE WOMAN A SALE!

Wow, it's already a $1...does she want you to pay her to take it?


josh7279 7

Never get in the way of a shopper and their deals.

Or you know... You can treat employees with respect and dignity because they are people to? Just a thought, carry on.

JocelynKaulitz 28

People can definitely get crazy for deals. A customer practically cursed at me in Japanese, then proceeded to throw the shoes I refused to refund at me.

shoppers are people but they often forget the person working in the store is also a person.

I don't know, it sounds like OP won this one since the customer was dragged out of the store.

I thought Canadians were suppose to be nice

Take me for example, I'm a huge asshole. But I can get away with it because I'm Canadian, so my extremely incognito sarcasm is actually seen as genuinely being nice... Just because I'm Canadian. So next time a Canadian is nice to you... Just remember we abuse that stereotype

That's just a stereotype. In fact hockey, our national sport, makes me wonder how we got this reputation for being "nice".

Yeah true that, we are vicious at hockey

incoherentrmblr 21

The dollar store is expensive... GIVE THE WOMAN A SALE!

The customer is ALWAYS right, no exceptions

I don't know why you two got thumbed down, I could definitely tell that was sarcasm!

I'm not sure I'm good enough to save this thread. A little help here?

T9FTW 20

#38, I'd say your username may be enough for such a task.

You are lucky she didn't manage to pound (sterling) you

That was ******* awful. What was I thinking

\ 28

The ensuing brawl meshes perfectly with the theme of "Boxing Day."

@7 you weren't thinking...that's why it was horrible.

They're called dollar stores for a reason. You can buy the whole building for a dollar!

Wow, it's already a $1...does she want you to pay her to take it?

I mean I think we all would want that. Is it gonna happen? Probably not

She has every right to be upset! Damn dollar store with its insane markup.

On a sorta related note, when I was younger, I felt so ripped off that everything in 99cent stores weren't exactly 99 cents. They'd be whatever dollar amount and 99 cents. For a cheap store, things got pretty expensive.

At least she embarrassed herself at the end of it.

Hopefully the store was made of bedrock. People and their pickaxes..

Oh my god I know this is irrelevant, but I love this so much. Minecraft ftw.

The customer is not always right. In fact, most of the time, the customer is an asshole.

ZY1431 24

working at coffee shop I believe in this motto.

\ 28

Any retail worker can validate this motto,

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Yep, my first job was at a movie theater was I was 16 and I can definitely attest to this. My second job was working at an English show barn so I got to deal with paranoid horse owners who would yell at your if you filled their horse's water buckets the wrong way. We had a woman dump her daughter's tack box all over the floor one day because she was pissed that we were cleaning the stalls (at the same time every day). It was insane.