By Anonymous - 13/06/2014 15:36 - Afghanistan - Kabul

Today, thinking we'd still be able to finish our project in time for tomorrow's deadline, my work group put off doing any work until today. When we logged into the website we have to use, we found it was down for maintenance all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 739
You deserved it 48 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd tell the professor. Even though it was the last day the professor should understand that you guys tried to finish before the deadline. Screenshot the page, contact the teacher, and keep checking the website. And do yourself a favor try not to procrastinate.

Shouldn't have left it so late OP, ydi


I'd tell the professor. Even though it was the last day the professor should understand that you guys tried to finish before the deadline. Screenshot the page, contact the teacher, and keep checking the website. And do yourself a favor try not to procrastinate.

As a fellow procrastinator as well as someone who has experienced a similar problem (the website we had to turn it in to crashed 30 minutes prior to the deadline) I feel OP's pain. Hopefully their teacher is lenient and understands the situation, because my teacher just blamed us for doing it last minute and making excuses. FYL OP, but next time you and your group shouldn't procrastinate.

My bad I didn't notice it was a work situation until now. Excuse my last comment...

Actually, I thought it was a school thing too. "Work group" works either way.

Respect101 17

#17, no your good, it fits with work or not work, just replace the professor with boss. Boom problem solved.

Honestly it depends on how long the teacher gave them to complete said assignment. My teacher gave us 3 months on a paper and had no sympathy for those who waited until the last minute.

Shouldn't have left it so late OP, ydi

Can't tell me you have never procrastinated on a paper before.

Not completely. **** OP's life too if it was a small project which could be finished off in a day. Get a screenshot of the website being down and see if you can get some extra time to finish off the work.

Number one rule is always wait until 8 hours before the project is due, then start.

Procrastination - it's not always wise.

drshn 22

but we all do it.. isn't it!!!

EgyptianPride98 8

It's never wise...but we all still do it anyways. This is coming from the biggest procrastinator you will ever know. In fact, I'm doing it right now :P

Procrastination is like masturbation, in the end, you're just screwing yourself.

rocker_chick23 27
Yessi_Boo 14

Procrastination always gets back to you, huh? That's one of those things hard to explain to a professor... Good luck?

Never wait until the last moment. That said, it would be reasonable to try to get a 24-hour extension. Good luck and hopefully, lesson learned ?

I wanna say that you deserve it, but I leave every assignment until the last minute myself so I'd be a hypocrite. Instead, I sympathise.

Just because you do the same, does not mean they dont desevre it...

jakethejeep 7

If there was no warning it would be down, you should be able to get an extension.

Yeah, professors don't work that way. They shouldn't have put it off.

Well that was your own fault. YDI OP

drshn 22

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You went out of your way to spell you're fair play seriously usually it's the other way around

drshn 22

well shit happens, I guess. I blame it on auto correct keyboard.

Auto correct is probably smarter than you, so it's me an excuse.