Out of the frying pan…

By Godhelpme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Houston

Today, in a last-ditch attempt to get away from my psycho coworker, I made my boss transfer me to another branch in the district. My coworker was immediately moved to that branch, because we "work well together". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 111
You deserved it 4 778

Top comments

Maybe you should file a work complaint against said coworker. That sounds a bit like stalking to me.

I can see how working next to a psycho would increase productivity. Shit, I'd want to get home quicker, too!


Maybe you should file a work complaint against said coworker. That sounds a bit like stalking to me.

brettrb 18

Exactly. If you haven't made it clear how you feel, you can't blame your Boss for not knowing. You deserve to have a good experience at work each day, and if your Boss knows that your coworker negatively affects your work flow I'm sure it's in his best interest to split you up as well. Good luck OP.

From the way this FML is written,I don't see any stalking. Or anything near that in fact. It's written as though management decided to keep the pair together, not as though the psycho coworker asked for a transfer as well. That being said, filing a complaint or speaking informally with the boss is probably a really good idea.

Yes, this is true. But we don't know who's idea it was to transfer the coworker as well as OP. For all we know, his coworker could have made the plea to his boss, stating that they "work well together", and convinced the boss to transfer him as well. We need more details before coming to a solid conclusion. That is why I said it sounds as if the OP may have a stalker, and not that his coworker is most definantly stalking him.

Definitely* #35, that's the biggest ******* issue here.

incoherentrmblr 21

Is your coworker Gary Busey?...

I can see how working next to a psycho would increase productivity. Shit, I'd want to get home quicker, too!

That only works until he starts following OP home at night o.O

incoherentrmblr 21

Especially if its Willem Dafoe or Gary Busey...

If it is really that bad just get a restraining order.But only if it gets very bad,You never know peoples intentions

aruam365 24

It's not as easy as "just get a restraining order" you have to have proof that person is stalking you and unless there's text messages or emails, there may not really be any.

Thats why i said if it gets really bad

aruam365 24

Even if it's really bad there isn't always proof though, I've had a stalker and couldn't get a restraining order despite it being basically non-stop like waiting outside my house because there wasn't any evidence. It's not as easy as you'd think.

Didnt you have any photo evidence ? I mean you could take a photo then upload it to a computer cause then it saves the date also its also good if you have one of those cameras that shows the date a video was taking so for the duration of the stalking you could video tape each day its happened then put it up as evidence

aruam365 24

It isn't illegal to be on a public road though, all it would have proved is he was on a public road for hours everyday.

mr_aaaaaaaa 12

Pick ur nose in front of him and disgust him every day, he will leave soon

Ever scared that you might get raped? Just pick your nose, he'll go away!

You need to tell your boss the real reason why you transferred. Forget about said co-workers feelings, put yourself first above anybody else.

Hell yeah, don't worry about their feelings. Just make sure they stay away from you, otherwise it will really have an impact on your work :0

ill_Will23 8

Well tonights the night bitches die.

Maybe you should talk to him and/or to your boss about this situation

Why not try and turn the tables around and give him / her a taste of there own medicine. Be clingy and shit

But the coworker would probably enjoy that.

If they were both clingy and shit to eachother wouldn't that look abit weird to everyone else