Never crush on coworkers

By Anonymous - 03/10/2022 18:00 - United States - Berthoud

Today, I found out that a girl who I really liked at work, who is my manager and with whom I'm friends, and who knows I like her, has been secretly dating someone else who works there for a month, and everyone at work knew except me, because she didn't want to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 805
You deserved it 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

workplace relationships rarely work out.

She wasn’t obligated to let you know her relationship status… And it is not wise to try for a romantic or sexual relationship with the people you work with. If or when the relationship runs it’s course, would you want to have to find another job or have to continue working with someone that you had a breakup with? Co-workers are colleges, not friends. And the boss/subordinate relationship has enough dangers without moving that up past the point of danger. At least in the USA, most companies have rules about dating between a boss and a subordinate to the point where it is strongly discouraged because of the legal risks that companies have in this situation.


Jon Tessler 14

workplace relationships rarely work out.

She wasn’t obligated to let you know her relationship status… And it is not wise to try for a romantic or sexual relationship with the people you work with. If or when the relationship runs it’s course, would you want to have to find another job or have to continue working with someone that you had a breakup with? Co-workers are colleges, not friends. And the boss/subordinate relationship has enough dangers without moving that up past the point of danger. At least in the USA, most companies have rules about dating between a boss and a subordinate to the point where it is strongly discouraged because of the legal risks that companies have in this situation.

Well, no extra jobs or voluntary overtime for you than, cause i'm fairly sure the reason she was stringing you along was to get extra labor out of you

Spartacus 8

wow. special kind of stupid. wanting to date a coworker, and not just any coworker, your manager. and she doesn’t need to tell you who she’s dating. probably because she knew you would act like a man child about it and to cry about on FML. lol.