
By JustAmirage - 14/02/2019 20:00

Today, it was my first day at work. They had me a large tray with lots of food on it, even after I told them I wasn’t comfortable carrying it. I hit the door on the way out of the kitchen, spilling everything on the tray, breaking two soup bowls and three salad plates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 157
You deserved it 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's hard to say anything about this without knowing what your job is. Because if you're something like a server and it's part of your job description what do you expect?

sublimechica4 7

Who is moderating FML lately? It seems like FML has completely gone to shit with the grammer and posts. Anyone know what's up with this?????


You need to find another line of work. You can’t afford to be a clumsy waiter.

It's hard to say anything about this without knowing what your job is. Because if you're something like a server and it's part of your job description what do you expect?

I was a server for almost two years. You'll learn, and it'll get easier, but it'll also suck the whole time! If it's at all possible, just make multiple trips or ask for help next time. I'm a really small person so carrying a full big tray was never really an option for me.

sublimechica4 7

Who is moderating FML lately? It seems like FML has completely gone to shit with the grammer and posts. Anyone know what's up with this?????

I think all the staff have left, and the site is now updated by some AI program.

sublimechica4 7

Dude, I like you. I've seen some of your posts. And I think you're right.

JustAmirage 13

For Clarification: I was 14 when I had a job here, it was at a retirement community. It was my first ever job, and the job was for specifically high school students and is known in my area as a good beginners job wether you are interested in the food industry or not. They stacked plates really high and it was mostly a job for experienced employees. I got really good at carrying larger trays after that day and ran almost every shift, since we had different positions each shift. I no longer work there. Also now to think back on it, the doorways were way to tiny for the trays and the doors were really hard to open, not good for a restaurant...