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The sociopaths amongst us

By Anonymous - 26/10/2023 22:00

Today, my boss is such an unfeeling asshole that he seriously thought he could demand I only stay at my best friend's funeral for 45 minutes then return to work, because it was “just a friend, not a relative', and that when his mother died he "took a whole 2 hours off and was back at work by 11:45.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 573
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him just because he doesn't have any friends doesn't mean that other people don't care about theirs.

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like you need a new boss..!


oh, I'll be in 45 minutes after the funeral finishes. The clock starts when the dirt hits the coffin.

tell him just because he doesn't have any friends doesn't mean that other people don't care about theirs.

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like you need a new boss..!

He sounds consistent. Can't you grieve on your own time?

Sonotsuave 35

Wow, time to get a new job my dear, like stat. Complain to HR and report him, or start looking elsewhere and leave.