By dez - 16/10/2016 05:05 - United States - Louisville

Today, I asked a customer to send me via e-mail the image he wanted me to print. He said, "I don't have an email, I have a Gmail." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 577
You deserved it 1 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feme_fatale 19

"Oh of course, just send an electronic message and electronically mail us the image via your gmail. Thank goodness we have gmail instead of email now!"

I'm glad gmail took over email, that stuff was hard. Gmail is just so easy to use!


AirBusDriver 23

Reminds me of something my mom would have said, kind of cute really :)

Well Gmail is obviously two better than email. It was probably coded in e++.

r83839 22

Am I the only one who read this as a joke?

It's kinda like people who always say iPhone instead of phone.

moo77_fml 20

"Actually no forget both. Just send us your female."

been there, old cusomers are the silliest but hey, they make great stories to tell

oh this cannot be true, im crying right now.

This belongs on the clientsfromhell blog, I laughed when I read this. Sorry OP, some people are just incompatible with technology!