By FailingMyCourse - 07/02/2016 03:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait

Today, I found out that my university had not accepted the internship I did when I was in college. They placed me in the same bank I interned in, with the same bank manager that I flipped the middle finger at after finishing my internship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 202
You deserved it 27 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xatraris 38

Don't burn bridges until they're fully crossed, and even then think twice before burning them. You may have to cross it again.

Maaayyybe you shouldn't have flipped that guy off? Karma's a bit of a bitch


Asinger06 1

Welcome to the real world. In case you weren't aware, you never do anything like that when leaving an internship and especially a job. You never know who they know, you could lose out on a dream job because of such things.

TJStarzZ 8

And you want people to feel bad for you because? Maybe if you were mature about things they would be different, but since you weren't, you deserve what you got.

Gearboss 6

That's what you get for being a little asshole. Dealing with an asshole in charge is part of life. Grow the hell up and when you leave just leave. Quite frankly if you have a shitty boss and do your job properly they can't say shit anyways.

glorywalrus 2

Careful what toes you step on today. they may be connected to the hindquarters you have to kiss tomorrow.