By sidldaking - 21/01/2014 23:24 - United States - Highland Park
sidldaking tells us more.
To follow up on the FML, I complained to my teacher and informed him about the situation. The project had multiple parts and we were given some time to work on it in class. I managed to finish my part of the project a few days earlier and all I had to do, was wait for my partners to finish their parts and I can put the whole thing together and hand it in. I kept goading my partners to finish their parts but to no avail. Finally on the night before the deadline, I begged my partners to finish, but they refused due to the possible snow day the next day. My teacher understood the situation and he decided to accept my part and grade it for me while the rest of my partners failed. P.S. Sorry for being so late
Top comments
I don't have a snow day but I'm sick so it worked out I guess
Unfortunately your homework is more predictable than the weather. I'm afraid the only thing you can count on with the weather, is that it's gonna happen.
When you wait until the last minute to finish or write a paper you completely deserve it. You've always got to schedule flex time into a project in case an emergency comes up.
I agree in principle, but when it comes to group assignments, sometimes you can't start until you met up to discuss who will do what and how. It depends on whether OP tried to get in touch with his groupmembers before. If he's been begging for months: FHL. If he contacted them just then: HDI.
If OP's been begging for months then he should have made his prof aware of the situation before the last minute. Look at it as training for the real world. You're boss isn't going to give a shit why it's not done, just that it's not done.
You deserve it for posting this FML in the category "intimacy".
The issues where the tools on the project with OP.
I would normally say YDI: you don't start big projects the day before. But groupwork can be a real hassle. I contacted my group the first week we got an assignment. They answered over a month later, a few weeks before the deadline. And sometimes you just can't start before you agreed on a plan.
Never trust the weather...that's standard...
YDI and FYL. Because you never wait till the last day. And lazy partners are a pain
Christ, I hate group projects. When I was at college one of my profs decided to do an experiment and divide our class into groups for a major research paper to see if 1 or 2 people would end up doing all the work, since the whole group would get the same grade whether we succeeded or failed. I had to assign tiny research assignments to my group members but write the whole 20+ page paper myself because none of them knew how to write a damn research paper. Made an A, although I literally didn't finish until 1 minute before the 10 am deadline because my project partners didn't turn in a modicum of the research Id told them to do until the night before the due date. Maybe OP tried to get it together before the night before too, and his/her obviously lazy group members made it impossible, since they couldn't even be motivated by a last-minute deadline like normal people.
Lazy project parters are always a pain. FYL
So much YDI, you don't wait till the last day for important projects.