By Bex98 - 11/01/2016 08:17 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was out with my brother and his group of very cute friends at a Cheesecake Factory. When the server came to take our orders, she asked me what kind of sauce I liked. Like a complete fuckwit, I blurted, "I like creamy white stuff." The guy across from me choked on his water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 778
You deserved it 8 063

Bex98 tells us more.

So, this is my FML. I'm not sure if it's verified, because I keep forgetting my passwords. Like a complete ******* haha. But anyways, this answer was prompted because I asked the server to describe the alfredo sauce, and she said: "It's creamy and white." Also, the FML about the veteran and his pickup line was also mine a few months ago, and of course I didn't have an account when I posted then either. Also, my brother did not willingly hang out with me haha. My family and a few other families were travelling together, and the teenagers, who all happened to be friends of my brother, went to eat together.

Top comments

Bet that's not the only choking that occurred


So, this is my FML. I'm not sure if it's verified, because I keep forgetting my passwords. Like a complete ******* haha. But anyways, this answer was prompted because I asked the server to describe the alfredo sauce, and she said: "It's creamy and white." Also, the FML about the veteran and his pickup line was also mine a few months ago, and of course I didn't have an account when I posted then either. Also, my brother did not willingly hang out with me haha. My family and a few other families were travelling together, and the teenagers, who all happened to be friends of my brother, went to eat together.

The server should have just described the yummy, all-natural, real, fresh ingredients -- oh wait, you were at Cheesecake Factory.

The fact that the waiter described the alfredo sauce as creamy and white is almost better than original fml.

Rosebudx 32

57, dude, go spout off about GMOs and calories and food chemicals on a "health" blog somewhere. Leave OP (and The Cheescake Factory, which everyone and their cousin knows is unhealthy) out of it.

Sounds like your server was either a moron, or was settling you up for this. How did they describe soup, "it's wet ant hot" ?

Just own up to it and admit it was a funny mistake, otherwise you will never hear the end of it.

andrmac 25

Well it's likely F your brothers life to hear that. Plus now he has to hear, "Your sister likes the white and creamy stuff" or "I have some white and creamy stuff for your sister." You just might have an awkward conversation if one of them would like to get alone with you or on a first date with one of them.

tiger820 20

**** your brothers life! he's the one going to hear non stop jokes about you!

So? if that was my sister i wouls smack the shit out of who makes a joke like that. thats how rumors are spread.

Haha, it might seem embarrassing now, but trust me, it'll seem hilarious in the future :) Hopefully you can just shrug off the initial embarrassment for now and move on with your life; stuff like that happens all the time.

I would have slipped him a subtle wink and proceed to eat said sauce very sexually ;)

It's OK, there's no shame in liking the white creamy stuff, whatever it may be. I hope you got what you intended to order, though :)

Oh cum on !! theres no way u said that !

Cum now, Cum now, is everyone's mind in the gutter??