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Maybe next year…

By sad trick Or treat - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Denmark

Today, I went to the ER to get my eye checked. Turns out I had a scratch in it. So, after sedation, I now need to wear an eyepatch. Too bad Halloween was yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 609
You deserved it 947

Top comments

Who says you can only dress up on Halloween?

Arrrrgh matey. Maybe people with think your just a die hard fan of pirates.


Who says you can only dress up on Halloween?

Arrrrgh matey. Maybe people with think your just a die hard fan of pirates.

Who said it is a bad time to be a pirate?

bruhhhhhhh 14

I'm just curious as to how you got a scratch on your eye

I both sun burned and scratched my eyes- in my case, the sores on the inside of my eye lid scratched my eye surface itself. Outside of that, you can scratch it the same way you would anything else, or get sand or similar material trapped under your eyelid that will scratch it.

I was walking past a construction site and a truck went by and some dust from the road blew up and got in my eyes even though I covered them. I had to go to 3 different Dr's and the last was a surgeon cuz it got that bad.

My sister got her eye scratched by having mud thrown at her when we were at camp and it got in her eye giving her staph. It's very easy to scratch your eye

I got a paper cut when the wind blew the papers out of my daughters hand

I scratched my eye a few times when I lived in Texas. The sand and wind would stir up and I would rub my eyes without thinking about it. It's very painful.

A costume party would be dine for a real pirate like u

Ouch I know how that feels. I just got over a scratched cornea and I looked like i got punched in the eye. It itches like mad

Damn fam that's lit. Pirate in November bro that's sick dude keep it up

Wasn't there an FML a little while ago about people using language like this? I hope you were attempting to use satire.

I need to copy and paste this to for translation. FML!

species4872 19

Find yourself a parrot.. quick.