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Izabushel tells us more.

OP here. Having been 'blessed' with a bodacious bustline since early teens, I am used to men having difficulty maintaining eye contact with me, but my nephew has taken it to a new level. I thought that we might have an interesting day because when he came into my room in the morning, one of the first things he said to me was "Boobies gone!" and I said yes, boobies are gone because I was dressed. He then kept on saying 'bring boobies back!', in other words, show him my breasts. And of course I wouldn't. We then go shopping, he got tired and cranky, and thus ended with this situation. He normally is the loveliest and sweetest kid you could imagine. An absolute treasure. I am not just saying that because I am his Aunt. However he does have this obsession with breasts. Well mine in particular. I look very similar to my sister, so I don't know, maybe its a comfort thing going back to when he was breast fed. Then again I have been told I have magically comforting breasts. But he only does it with me so it's not like he is attacking random women in the street asking to see their breasts.