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SoniaLovesYou tells us more.

Wish I could say this WAS fake, but sadly it happened. Although it shouldn't matter, I will go ahead and mention that the guy is Mexican and most likely grew up in a culture that generally looks down on contraception; but it doesn't excuse what he did. Thanks to those of you expressing concern; I plan on taking the morning after pill and everything should be fine, but I am still intensely freaked over this. To those of you thinking I deserved it, I'll mention that I DID know the guy previous to this and quite liked him; this was a part of himself that he kept hidden until now. To those calling me a ****: I agree that sex has taken over our culture, especially with regard to young people, but having what I thought was safe sex with someone I knew and liked (and didn't realize was a psychopath!) does not mean that I have no self control. And Ichigoner, you're absolutely right - this guy and the "Be my baby's daddy!" girl would make a perfect couple, and probably end up making that octuplet mom look bad....