By snapped - 13/11/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year old daughter asked me if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes, and she said she wanted to try to catch her. Later, she pulled out a tooth and put it under her pillow. I came in to take out the tooth and replace it with money. There were mouse traps behind her pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 110
You deserved it 9 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soup_fml 0

Now I have this image in my head of a little girl waking up to find a decapitated fairy under her pillow.


I've seen this before!!! I never call fake or repeat but this time I must. Unless your daughter reads FML and MLIA. In that case you are excused.

imjoe615 0

In a couple years....or perhaps a couple days given the situation, she's going to be so mad you lied to her :)

This is not a lie. Personally, the parent is a dumbass. My 6 year old cousin did this to his dad. Pretty hilarious when it happened. They had rat traps out to catch rats in the kitchen and my 6 yr old cousin put it under his pillow. Scared my Uncle silly. But the reason the OP is a dumbass is because her 6 yr old SAID she was going to catch the tooth fairy and the OP didn't think anything of it. When a child says they are going to do something, they are going to do it.

Tika876 18

I call b.s. this jus doesn't seem very belivable to me, it was funny though

I don't know why parents like to their kids about this... You shouldn't lie to your children.

1) Where in the world would your child get a mousetrap? 2) You need better parenting skills. 3) How would your child know how to set up a mousetrap? I just learned how a few weeks ago, and I'm 13. Lol. This is total bullshit. Fail.

I was just wondering if this was the reverse of the same story...

Im guessing the trap was set (or else why the hell is it a fml?) You should have figured she was going to do something and been more careful. If it was set and she forgot it was there or something, she could have hurt herself. Hopefuly you'll explain to her that a mouse trap is NOT a toy. Which you should have already done if you knew she had access to them. You kinda fail for not being a better parent. :(