By snapped - 13/11/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year old daughter asked me if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes, and she said she wanted to try to catch her. Later, she pulled out a tooth and put it under her pillow. I came in to take out the tooth and replace it with money. There were mouse traps behind her pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 110
You deserved it 9 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soup_fml 0

Now I have this image in my head of a little girl waking up to find a decapitated fairy under her pillow.


xxindigobluexx 0

Not buying this FML post. It simply lacks all forms of logic. The 6 year old setting up mouse traps, the trap under the pillow---this whole thing just screams bullshit. Nice try.

Mjp9595 0

that's why you let the toothfairy do her job

how is your 6 yr old able to get her hands on mouse traps? bad parenting

How does your six year old know how to Set a mouse trap?

KiloD 0

six year old who can arm mouse traps? unlikely...

speedyjoe 10

What the tooth fairy isnt real! my life has no meaning now