By snapped - 13/11/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year old daughter asked me if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes, and she said she wanted to try to catch her. Later, she pulled out a tooth and put it under her pillow. I came in to take out the tooth and replace it with money. There were mouse traps behind her pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 110
You deserved it 9 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soup_fml 0

Now I have this image in my head of a little girl waking up to find a decapitated fairy under her pillow.


i_stay_anonymous 0

Damn your daughter is smart. 0_o

i want to marry your daughter... ******* briliant

VereorTenebrae 0

lmao, you deserve it, if they were set.

You're a dumb bitch for telling your kid some stupid superstition. I'm guessing you tell her Santa Claus and Jesus Christ are real too? LOL ****

you're a really sad person, aren't you? deep down inside?

My parents told me right off the bat that the Tooth Fairy wasn't real, and I was completely okay with that. YDI for lying to your kid just so they can have a "precious childhood fantasy" that you'd eventually have to crush anyways.

OK, first off, when I was 6 I had discovered on my own that none of Santa/Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny etc. didn't exist, I was that clever. BUT I wasn't clever enough to know how to set up a mouse trap. What I'm saying is that this is either fake or your daughter didn't actually set the trap(s) and instead they were just lying there, doing nothing. If this is the second option this doesn't belong here as an FML... If it is the first you should just GTFO for being a lier and faking a FML... OMG

TedFreakingBundy 0
socrkeeper001 0

Fake. There's no way the mouse trap would be able to be underneath her pillow because if someone touches it, it snaps. she would have already activated it by laying on it.

I wish that was real. This kid could potentially change my mind about not wanting to breed...