By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 16:56 - Canada

Today, my boss walked up and smacked my butt. I am a 19 year old guy. My boss is a 50 year old woman. I desperately need this job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 296
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tdub10 2
perdix 29

If you are so desperate, tell her she doesn't have to pull her hand away so fast. Let her fingers linger.


redneck2599 7

you need to drop your pants and get her done

margaritaville_ 0

PEDOBEAR! haha, but really.. ew :)

looks like you better suck it up sweetheart

Chris6661 0
michellethepanda 0

This FML changed D: completely! How did I go from girl nanny to boy?

xxniteskie 1

I was thinking the same thing .

smack those cheeks, pussy is pussy , but she's 50 so just a smack her hip may crack

And if OP was girl I'm sure we'd also be encouraging her to f**k old wrinkly boss like some of the comments shown here.

...and nobody is saying report her ass? Sure is double standards in here.