By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 16:56 - Canada

Today, my boss walked up and smacked my butt. I am a 19 year old guy. My boss is a 50 year old woman. I desperately need this job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 296
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tdub10 2
perdix 29

If you are so desperate, tell her she doesn't have to pull her hand away so fast. Let her fingers linger.


Illyssa_fml 4

What are you complaing about you PUSSY! Grow a sack and hit that!

haha maybe if you out to the boss maybe you might get a raise

is she married? odds are if she's not then she hasn't been ****** in a while and op remember the only bad pussy is the pussy your not gettin!

navgunner 0

If she is good looking then you should really hit it as much as you can, if she is old and wrinkly looking then report it if she does it again.

EvilDave 13

Document it, then try to get it on film, then have her arrested for battery and sexual assault and sue the company and her for sexual harassment. Basically, do what a woman would do.

you wont need the job when u sue for sexual harrasment!

icecreamdriveby 5

I saw this episode of friends today...

50 year old woman? Cougar? More like Mountain lion at this point.