By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 16:56 - Canada

Today, my boss walked up and smacked my butt. I am a 19 year old guy. My boss is a 50 year old woman. I desperately need this job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 296
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tdub10 2
perdix 29

If you are so desperate, tell her she doesn't have to pull her hand away so fast. Let her fingers linger.


Half are these comments are ridiculously stupid. obviously he is not okay with the attention from his boss. So stop telling him to "get at that pussy." NOBODY should have deal with sexual harassment at work, men and women. This is such a double standard, it's disgusting. if a woman was posting this, people would be telling her to report it, not **** him. it is unwanted sexual attention.

Thank you! This is one of shockingly few sensible posts on this thread.

ahhhhhh yeaaaaa cougarrr yaaaaaaaa, hey if she looks good in your opinion you should take it and get that raise ;) she might be milfin it who knows, or gilfin it lmao

let her do it. do anything she tells u and hints at. ull keep ur job and get raises regularly. plus u might get nookie. this is a win, not and fml.

Get the job. Then call human resources or whatnot. Talk about this issue. Get her fired... New Boss.. Might get lucky and get a hot attractive lady replacing the old one as the boss. You smack her in the butt. She calls human resources and talk about the issue. You get fired.

mandomandomando 3

so how is this an fml again? ;)

Well, thanks for setting up the basic math there slick.

You can go to someone higher up with a sexual harassment case if it continues to happen.