By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 16:41 - Belgium

Today, I was feeding some ducks. One of them choked to death on the old bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 721
You deserved it 15 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wizardo 33

The poor thing choked on the B, it was sitting duck, never stood a waddle of a chance.

Maybe that's why the park signs say "Don't feed the ducks" :P

#1: More like poor OP, I would feel horrible about killing a duck.

SexySlayer1248 18

You're not supposed to feed them bread, it has little nutritional value, you should feed them bird seed or other recommendations from vets or animal experts

Dude giving ducks bread is bad for them, it makes it where their eggs can't form and get solid and instead they come out soft and the baby duckling has no chance of life. Stop feeding ducks bread!

the yeast gets in the water if ur feeding ducks in a lake and it messes up their wings super bad feed them lettuce instead

You just killed a lot of good advice ;)

perdix 29

#2, you mean, like, . . . "Duck!"

Am I really the only one getting the reference to the "Advice Mallard" meme?

52-no your not the only one. I get it also

perdix 29

Why didn't you Heimlich the poor thing?

Everyone knows you're supposed to give choking ducks the Heimlich.

I thought you were supposed to wring it's neck like a towel. That's what they do in Looney Tunes.

What the duck! You ducking duck killer!

That joke wouldn't even quack up an immature 2nd grader.

GoodLookingGeese 10

White bread is actually bad for ducks. Research is your friend. F that duck's life!

All bread is actually bad for ducks and wild birds. It only fills their stomachs up, but the nutritive values aren't good at all.

Yep. If you wanna feed the ducks, shredded lettuce is actually a pretty good idea.

everything you touch will die. think about that.

What about rocks? Plastic? Styrofoam? Chill out, Sylvia Plath.

u mean every thing u see u will fall on it

I heard you're not suppose to feed ducks bread anymore. I am thinking this is probably one of the reasons.

Well I still do! And I gave small pices and they soak in the water and their safe! Poor duckies, mostly during winter, are starving!

nnnope 26

44 - ***they're and no. not only is bread nutritionally inadequate for ducks (not to mention humans), it also makes them too people-friendly and dependent. bread is essentially junk food for them and can make them obese. why would anyone feed an animal something that isn't even good for people?? this applies to corn, too. corn has ZERO nutritional value. foods that are good for ducks, however, are things like birdseed, peas, oats and cut-up grapes.

LuckBeNimble 19

56: corn has good amounts of fiber though...

nnnope 26

taken from "corn is probably not the best vegetable to eat because there are many more vegetables that are healthier, contain less sugar, and have more nutritional content."

Koios 30

From "Nutritional Facts - Corn is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as sodium. It's also a good source of dietary fiber, thiamin and folate." Just because something is not the healthiest doesn't mean it's unhealthy.

Corn has NO NUTRIENT VALUE! Do your research! Why do you think it comes out the same way it goes it??? It doesn't break down and is used as a filler. You guys need to watch some documentaries or something. Educate yourself. Corn is one of the worst useless foods around.

but it's tasty so I eat it anyway, along with mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak, red meat, and many other things that are "bad" for you to eat.

Oh my God give me a break. Corn gives you fiber, yes. It is not the most "useless food around." People aren't getting fat off of corn. IT'S CORN. Why can't we debate something like Big Macs? Not corn. Corn is fine for you. Relax.

nnnope 26

holy shit guys. I didn't say it's the worst thing ever. it's just not the most appropriate or nutritional thing to feed to ducks. goddamn. now calm your collective ****.

Not only is bread considerably low in nutritional value, but the yeasts and enzymes disrupt the ecosystem of the water, causing further damage.

Farm birds are sooooo freaking stupid. We had some turkeys that would roost on a five gallon bucket until they were too big to fit. All but one of them drowned in it. Turkeys are especially retarded though.

I have 3 farm ducks. They won't go in the pond, but they will go in a wide puddle right next to it.

This particular duck seems stupid, if only because he was confused about the type of animal he was -- ducks aren't supposed to croak.

How is telling a story about how turkeys are so stupid that they'll roost on the bucket we used to fill their and the other birds water and drown in it mean? I'm confused, yo.

Maybe because you allowed those birds to drown. After the first one any responsible person would cover the tank up so it didn't happen again!

They literally did it within 3 days and it was uncovered because it was under a leaking faucet and we didn't want to rot the floor out and we used the water for the birds. By the time we realized that they were roosting on it there was only one left. The bucket wasn't even by where the birds all hung out and we had never had trouble with any of the other birds so it never occurred to us that it was what they were doing until we saw the last one on it. He figured it out and there weren't ever any more problems with it. It's like how it might take a few days to figure out what's wrong with your car.

crazyjemjem 6

Don't turn your back on them. Daffy and his minions will want revenge.