By princess - 12/04/2014 21:01 - United States - San Marcos

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting frisky, and I whispered that I love him. He immediately lost his boner, and a few minutes later "remembered" he had to be somewhere else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 589
You deserved it 7 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love how that turned him off so hard. What a strange reaction.

You're a douche if you think that...


That's the 1st rule!! never say that!!

You're a douche if you think that...

Careful #1, #37 thinks you're a douche. Now be a good Canadian, #37, and apologize.

lexiieeex3 32

I think #1 meant never say "I love you" while being frisky, rather express your feelings when you're thinking clearly and not swept up in the heat of the moment.

#41 His profile says hes from California. Unless I missed some Canadian joke there.

#37 is from Toronto, Canada. That's in Canada.

Pfft, sorry if you dislike the truth, but your opinion doesn't make it any less true. Most men don't like commitment like love at such a young age.

It says nothing about OP's age. She could be any age. And kids are constantly over using "I love you" (although it doesn't really mean anything when they say it). As for the part about guys not wanting commitment at a young age, I'm 17 and see nothing wrong with being committed to somebody at this age (although I don't know if you meant young like my age, or young like 13). I also have known many guys my age who are or were in long term relationships.

66 - They're talking about #1. He's from California.

Yes, because many seventeen year olds are mature enough for a serious long term relationship. I'm pretty sure seventeen is in the range of too young to really mean it. Especially since your brain hasn't completely developed and your hormones are still running rampant.

monkeyy100 15

I think saying i love you in the moment and truly meaning it makes it more intimate.

Serenity_Wolfe 1

#1 rules of "I love you's" don't first say it in a sexually charged situation...

falon142012 22

84, maybe some 17 year olds are immature and not ready for commitment, but some are. I met my husband when I was 17. I guess it really just depends on the person. A lot of kids are still really mature, even in today's world. :-)

so you're telling me that the fact that I'm 17 years old and have been in a long distance relationship for over a year it "means nothing" because we're "kids"? I'm sorry but last i checked, when I tell my mom I love her I mean it. meaning I'm capable of knowing what love is and how to feel it. if you believe that there's a so called "age limit" on when you can mean saying I love you to someone then you have a serious problem.

I love how that turned him off so hard. What a strange reaction.

That sucks lol. But have a talk with him about this and tell him how you feel, it can be serious.

That only leads you to why your house did not get painted...

But the Mexicans had my house painted hours ago...

He might just be nervous. Hearing someone say I love you freaks people out including me.

In 4's defense: the first time my now husband said he loved me, I froze and was speechless. When he said it we had been together just a few months and it took me by surprise. I didn't say anything back but not because I didn't love him- I didn't respond because no one had ever told me they loved me and I was shocked... Albeit, a boner killer and him leaving from saying "I love you" is a red flag. I feel for OP!

juan3611 14

I love you but the question here is do you love me? :O

I will always love you #4, long as my pet turtle allows our love D:

I love you #4 as long as my cat allowes the pet turtle to allow the guy above Me #76 to love you :)

I've been wondering why people were messaging me I love you.

Indianboy9321 25

He may have just not been expecting it! He could have handled it better though!

Or he's really not in love with OP. Doesn't sound complex to me.

Was that the first time you ever told him you loved him? Maybe he was taken by surprise and didn't know how to react. I don't think it necessarily means he doesn't love you. Just talk to him about it, tell him how you feel (:

When she did tell him how she felt it was a bonerkiller

The good thing is that OPs boyfriend will always think back with pleasure at when he lost his hard on and his girlfriend posted it on fml

I'm sorry OP. Your boyfriend may just not feel as strongly as you yet. Oh wait I'm on FML, we don't believe in logical solutions, so... BREAK UP WITH HIM HE'S AWFUL AND YOU DESERVE A MILLION TIMES BETTER! Jk, jk:) it'll get better with time. Sorry though OP.

I don't get why someone down voted you. What you said is true. Most people on FML instantly jump to telling OP to break up with their significant other whenever an FML is written about their significant other doing something they didn't like. The truth is that every relationship has problems, and it's not right to always tell people to break up with their bf/gf.

eric40962005 8

Id be embarrassed by those eyebrows like mcdonalds arches

BubbleGrunge 18

It looks like there is a bird missing it's wings. :(

The question is, how long have you been dating? That makes a big difference in how he could be reacting.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

That was my question too. If they have been dating for 3 weeks, that's a bit codependent. if they've been seeing each other for a year, then his reaction is a big red flag. It's all a matter of time, and in today's society, just because they are having sex, that does not necessarily mean that they have been together for very long.

Heck, in today's society, you don't even need to be *in* a relationship to have sex!

Best birth control ever! But seriously, he may not be ready for something serious.

If he's not ready for something serious, he shouodn't be doing something that could potentially produce a child.

what if they were using protection? casual sex is ok just as long as both parties are aware of the potential ramifications of it and take steps accordingly without the necessity of a serious emotional commitment.