Ahoy there!

By sanza666 - 26/04/2019 00:00

Today, I shattered a coffee pot at work and ended up with a piece of glass in my eye. Now I have to look like a pirate until its healed, and it's nowhere near Halloween. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 876
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your nipples are OK! For now, that is. If you complete your new look with a parrot, your nipples could be in peril.

If you go with a piece of gauze held in place with medical tape, it looks far more like a "my eye is ******" eyepatch, rather than a "yarrr, me hearties" eyepatch.


At least your nipples are OK! For now, that is. If you complete your new look with a parrot, your nipples could be in peril.

that patch is a small price to pay for being able to keep your eye sight. be thankful

If you go with a piece of gauze held in place with medical tape, it looks far more like a "my eye is ******" eyepatch, rather than a "yarrr, me hearties" eyepatch.

chris_lillo 15

It's a good conversation starter! "You should see what happened to the coffee pot!"

And what's wrong with looking like a pirate???