Awful line of inquiry

By teddyissmall - 14/04/2014 06:29 - Canada - Montréal

Today, I was hanging out with my boyfriend. Everything seemed to be going well, when all of a sudden he turned to look at me with a pensive and thoughtful expression. I expected him to say something important, but instead he just said, "I was wondering, how does it feel to be fat?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 044
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste


Say something childish back like "only your mother would know" You can only beat a child if you play at their level. But seriously its taboo for a guy to say the f*t word to a girl!!!!!

iOceanus 18

That's called being immature. Immaturity has no place in a moment like this. Also, your last section is a double standard.

The last section is a double standard about a double standard. The Westernized culture is stuck on the idea that if a woman isn't thin, she must be fat. Men's bodies simply aren't critiqued to the same degree as a woman's body in our society, because it's how we've been conditioned. The double standard cancels itself out; and until society adjusts its standards to care about actual health rather than physical attractiveness; it's simply rude and ignorant for someone from either sex to call someone "fat".

"How does It feel to be single?" Seems like a good response.

That was almost clever... the first ten times it was suggested.

lexiale 10

#124 I am giving your comment a thumbs down because your as insensitive as the ******* boyfriend

playing the devils advocate, he may actually just be concerned for you.

crazytwinsmom 25

Then he would have said something more along the lines of "I'm worried about your health".

crazytwinsmom 25

@35 have you ever actually had a bf tell you that you're fat? If you have and were ok with that, then more power to you. If you have not, then you really don't know how it feels.

Way to totally disregard your feelings. Sucks, maybe you should make an amazing comeback? (I'm not too good at those :P) In general, make sure you put him in his place.

That's rude. Sorry OP, would recommend having a serious talk with him, or just dump the guy..

He's the worst boyfriend..dump him!!

Pretty sure he's not as bad as the abusive ones who beat their girlfriend's...

This is a form of abuse as well. No one you're with should make you feel less than. Comments like that are enough to start eating disorders.

PresidentNorth 16

If they start eating disorders than obviously medical help is in need. The truth hurts right.? So why not just accept that not everything you're significant other says is going to be pleasant. All relationships are based off something. Maybe this is just how Ops bf does things. She shouldn't feel totally offended.

Everyone is saying dump him, get rid of him, he's a bad boyfriend. You guys are only saying that out of spite. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't dump or break up with someone you love over something so small.. Come on guys.

Shank me for replying to such an old comment, but I once had a boyfriend leave me because I asked him not to use an emoji in a serious conversation. Granted, he *was* a whiny brat who wasn't used to constant praise from mommy and daddy, but my point is there are much more idiotic reasons for a breakup.

How do you know he was directing that to you, he couldve just been sharing his thoughts.

Thank you...when I talk to someone I'll turn to look at them, it's polite. Doesn't mean the question I'm going to ask is aimed at them, I just want their thoughts on the matter.

rhpsfan9 10

Did you ask him how it felt to be a dick?

Merylwen 24

Maybe he was genuinely curious. Anyway, IF she really is fat, what is he supposed to do? Pretend she's not? "Fat" isn't necessarily an insult, it can also be a fact.

Emily062611 6

Ah, yes. The "it's not an insult" argument. So if I ask a guy with a small penis, "how does it feel to have a tiny dick?", that would be just fine? I'm telling the truth, just genuinely curious? If you say he wouldn't be insulted, we both know you're lying.