Been There

By PeppermintPenny - 10/08/2017 20:00

Today, a coworker and I had our second date at my place. He wanted to show me pictures of himself in some club, where he had been a member in highschool. He started typing his name into the google search bar and it suggested his name from when I had googled him months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 715
You deserved it 1 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's be honest here- Who, in the current dating era, hasn't Googled or otherwise lightly looked up info about a potential suitor?

It turns out he was in the Creepy Stalker Club, so the timing was perfect and you have found your match! You’ll probably have creepy kids who’ll regularly bust in “accidentally” when you two are having sex.


Own it! He might be flattered you were interested in him.