By BFFN - 14/04/2016 15:36 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my best friend told me she no longer wants an "active friendship" with me. She says she doesn't have time to see me, since she has a boyfriend and a bunch of friends she's spent years bitching to me about. We've gone from a 14-year friendship to awkwardly nodding at each other in the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 648
You deserved it 1 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh something I cannot stand is lifelong friends ditching each other for their boyfriends. Boys come and go but those friendships could be forever

Perhaps she doesn't deserve so much as the nod. There are good reasons to end friendships, but it doesn't sound like she had any of them. Better luck finding better friends, OP.


Hahahaha! Dam, some people are just terrible

At least she told you out straight instead of ignoring you, still a bitchy thing to do though! My "bff" of nearly 11 years dumped me out of the blue by text in a rude and aggressive way when I asked him to go camping with me and some of my school friends at the time one day. He said he didn't like my friends and I became a bitch like them (I would usually take on board something said like that very seriously, but I completely disagreed because I wasn't friends with them long and I was still my usual self). Anyways, on the night of my 18th birthday (a year later), he asked to be back friends just so he could go to my party and dumped me again a few weeks after...We're kinda just mutual to each other now, but never again...

I feel you OP. My two best friends are "busy" with their work, like seeing their new friends who are spoiled rich souls. So much for 15 years of friendship.

What a punk bitch. If they can dispose of you that easily, you're better off without them.

If those are her reasons, she doesn't deserve your friendship.

Mmkay1515 21

Sometimes friendships turn toxic and you just have to let them go and choose the people who are kind to you. Oftentimes they hate you for that and try and turn everybody against you, but if it's in your best interest you will be so much happier.

sounds to me like your low self-esteem friend of 14 years got a lashing from her even lower self-esteem boyfriend who was probably jealous of & felt intimidated by the depth of your relationship when she comes to her senses one day she'll regret for the rest of her life what she threw away good luck, onwards & upwards: to infinity & beyond...

I recently stopped talking to my 'best friend' of 19 years, I know exactly how this feels. I was placed second after her horrible boyfriend, and she spoke to me like a dog on the one occasion that I decided to treat her how she treated me. Everyone deserves friends who value them. Believe me OP, it's hard at first, but you will be happier and much better off in the long run. x