
By alhummel21 - 12/02/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, I was going down on a girl. When I looked up she was texting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 181 772
You deserved it 52 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you start texting too? Maybe you should have sent her a message to pay damn attention or something.

Hrmm....I'm not saying I'm amazing at it, but from what I can tell, texting is the last thing on the girls mind.... I'd actually be impressed if she could type complete sentences.


CaliforniaGirl_fml 0

do the same thing she did, while she's sucking you off

jussjess 0

If she's texting while he's going down on her, I doubt she'll be "sucking him off" anytime soon.

Idyedmyhairblack 0
jmorgz18 0

yeaaa i sent this1 to my gf because she is constantly on her phone and she replied....fuckk youuu

listen, as a girl, sometimes i don't like getting head.. actually, i've only enjoyed it once.. when it was done "well", but i'm not so sure what well was :-P you'll figure it out, or ask her (cause if she was texting it was not good for her). either way, she shouldn't have been texting, such a lack of respect, i would have rather told you to stop than have picked up my phone and let you keep going!!

CanadAssassiN 0

Hey, you never know, she might have been bragging to someone about how good you were in bed or

ilawlzatyou 0

Lmfaoooooo, wow. I wouldn't even have finished her.