Chocolate for days

By Juan Carr - 23/03/2024 23:00 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my wife informed me that on Easter Sunday we are going to Cornwall to celebrate her dad's 85th birthday. He lives there. Only an idiot travels to Cornwall on a bank holiday weekend, because you are guaranteed to sit in stationary traffic for six hours, then six hours on the way back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 406
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

🫂 Easter weekend traffic is one of the lower circles of hell. Insist on driving down over night. It's a little less torturous.


🫂 Easter weekend traffic is one of the lower circles of hell. Insist on driving down over night. It's a little less torturous.

Doesn't feel like you should get worked up about that, family shouldn't be just about convenience.

If you don't like automobiles, trains and planes are alternative options. Also, you should actually leave Wednesday morning, because from Thursday onwards, you'll be screwed.