Chop chop

By shaz - 27/04/2023 10:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I tried to surprise my girlfriend by cooking dinner. As I was chopping onions, I cut my finger and started bleeding everywhere. She walked in, saw the blood on the onions, and almost passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 674
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My mom tells the coconut story - She was a bit clumsy in the kitchen and while she was grating a cracked and shelled coconut she noticed the grated coconut was slightly pink from the blood from her fingers. After that she bought her coconut already grated… OP, everyone who does any kitchen work with a knife has at one point or another nicked or cut themselves. It comes with the territory. Most people who do that much learn when and how to be careful with cutting things up. And there is even the possibility of knife proof kitchen cutting gloves - you only need 1 because the one holding the knife never gets cut. And of course keep a few bandaids in the kitchen within reach…


My mom tells the coconut story - She was a bit clumsy in the kitchen and while she was grating a cracked and shelled coconut she noticed the grated coconut was slightly pink from the blood from her fingers. After that she bought her coconut already grated… OP, everyone who does any kitchen work with a knife has at one point or another nicked or cut themselves. It comes with the territory. Most people who do that much learn when and how to be careful with cutting things up. And there is even the possibility of knife proof kitchen cutting gloves - you only need 1 because the one holding the knife never gets cut. And of course keep a few bandaids in the kitchen within reach…