
By Username - 07/06/2011 06:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were making out when he sweetly whispered in my ear, "It's not gonna suck itself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 966
You deserved it 13 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7

I'm stealing that line from him.

Time to point to his hand and say 'no, but you're gonna be shaking it yourself tonight.'


barbiiee_fml 0

tell him "well its not going to lick itself either." Haha! I like his ways.

I've got to remember that one. Hubby's always saying something like that to me! How romantic...

ChiddyBANGr 13

*Hands him a straw* "Knock yourself out"

misstamz 0

Whisper back 'auto-fellatio'

txtrphyhnter 0

51, you're deranged. That kitten is cute enough for you to spontaneously combust from its cuteness when you encounter it face to face.

kaoss54 3
skeetNyoEYEhoe 0

This reminds me of American Pie when this f@kkn guy says, "suck me, beautiful". Hahahaha. You should have bit tht ish MAD hard.