Explain yourself

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I received a text message from my wife, who had gone out for the evening with some girlfriends, saying, "I have to take a friend home, she's drunk! I'll be staying at his place. Call you in the morning." Umm… His? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 203
You deserved it 4 580

Same thing different taste

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she was probably trying to cover up the fact that she was cheating, so she pretended it was a girl. what probably happened after that was her subconscious didn't remember she was faking and accidentally wrote the true gender.

i like the wording, makes it funny ^^

Sirin I was reading your profile and it said you tried to submit two FMLs. :O

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Why is a woman having a male friend so unfathimable? I guess the fact that she hadn't told you earlier that it was a lad was the part that got you uneasy? Or was it just the fact that she's hanging out with a man and she should only have female friends?

flighted 1

what I thought was- she purposely said her friend is drunk so she has to take "her" home to make an excuse to be out late and since she was probably drunk herself, she forgot to put "her" house as well. because she probably wouldn't have typed "his" had she not been thinking of a guy, words don't pop into your head for no reason.

I'd have replied, OK honey, I'll come pick you up. and called every minute or so to keep confirming the directions!