Friendly fire

By Davios - 24/09/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I moved in with an older gentleman renting out a room. Tonight, he had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, who threw a lawn chair at my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 134
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your cat make TOO MUCH NOISE?!?!?! Try KITTEN MITTENS :D That is honestly the ONLY thing I think of every time I see something about Pennsylvania


Does your cat make TOO MUCH NOISE?!?!?! Try KITTEN MITTENS :D That is honestly the ONLY thing I think of every time I see something about Pennsylvania

Reyo 2

It's not like it's a situation a good case of RAEP won't fix.

unlucky you how about throwing a piano on her car?

I don't know where my comment went, but it said: "Unless she's built like Chyna Doll, I doubt it did much damage." Sorry if this double posts.

if it was a metal lawn chair it could've caused scratches/dents etc, which are a pain in the ass because they're usually not worth it to replace, but if he's like me, he really cares about his car, then I'd be more pissed than "oh no she hit my car let me post it on FML to get sympathy from the internet"

yeah well good job picking that room to rent if she caused a lot of damage though, she should have to pay for it

Throw the lawn chair at her face. Then make her pay for any damages to your car.

jchansfan 0

That really sucks and she should pay for damages, but its also quite funny... Makes me wonder how much damage throwing a lawnchair'd do though. They always seemed so harmless until now... o_O'

the_walrus 0

I've ran over numerous lawn chairs with no damge to the car, bit different if somethrows it I guess but reletively harmless pieces of garden furniture. It could have been a bbq or wheel barrow, now those **** up your vehicle.

When I read older gentleman, I honestly thought this would go in a totally different direction. Like him trying to fold out his lawn chair in your backseat.

Kick off the stilett-Er... I mean. Slippers?

I almost want to punch a baby for that song reference =/

Actually, now that I think about it... Throwing his dentures out the window sounds like a better plan to me. And be quiet! The song haunts me too!

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

AME, where's that baby? I'm punching it next... fersure..maybe. Fersure not, fersure eh, fersure BOMB! Awwh, redbluegreen, lookit what you and your reference did!