Funny guy

By Anonymous - 09/09/2022 02:00 - United States - Lima

Today, my boyfriend and I were finishing in the bedroom; he pulled out and finished on my stomach. Then he figured that was the time to quote Shrek, saying, "Better out than in I always say." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 049
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Well, he’s right. Otherwise it’s coming out 9 months later.

What made him think of Shrek at that moment? Were you doing it Donkey-style?


Marcella1016 31

Well, he’s right. Otherwise it’s coming out 9 months later.

What made him think of Shrek at that moment? Were you doing it Donkey-style?

Marcella1016 31

Careful. ...I hear coming from behind can get you kicked.

mattiagardin 15

Incredible dude, really funny