Good God, man…

By bloodyhell - 15/03/2020 15:05 - United States

Today, my dad tried to convert me, as he has numerous times before, and asked me why I was an atheist. After giving him a polite explanation and asking him if we could drop the subject, he nodded slowly and said, "You must be menstruating or something. You'll change your mind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 892
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To spite him, you ought to join Satan's team. That's probably a much more fun club to be in.

lifeis4me 20

Tell him you’re in a deal with Satan that involves giving him your menstrual blood


bloopaloop 27

Fine with me if you don’t go to heaven. Nobody wants you menstruating all over the place.

Did you actually read the Bible it even says God accepts all his children regardless of their beliefs it's all about how you act in life, that's what will get you into heaven or hell

turnabouttrial 21

so what about all the other Christian women who also happen to menstruate? including Jesus' mom?

To spite him, you ought to join Satan's team. That's probably a much more fun club to be in.

sourgirl101 28

You do know that atheists don’t believe there’s a Satan either? :P

I do. It's just that atheists don't have any supernatural beings on their "team." To combat an annoying theist, you have to claim some invisible force is on your side. I guess she could have chosen the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

lifeis4me 20

Tell him you’re in a deal with Satan that involves giving him your menstrual blood

Mooglefox 23

I would have decked his ass

WistayShlaio82 13

He probably just needs to go back to the garage