Good one

By bf. - 19/12/2013 02:59 - Canada - London

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. Dinner was going well until her dad secretly fed the asparagus to the dog under the table, and then "discovered" what a childish thing I had done. My girlfriend believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 215
You deserved it 3 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead of talking to your girlfriend about it, have a private conversation with her father. Find out what His issue is.


Preposterous 8

You can pretend like you accidently knocked it onto the floor while vigorously devouring the delectable meal they so graciously and kindly prepared for you.

Probably too late for that. I doubt OP posted this FML immediately after the dog was caught, while he was still sitting at the dinner table.

I don't think adding another lie to the mix would be prudent.

adi33 8

Agree with number 4. It's not a big deal.

At least now you're in dad's good graces..small price to pay, OP.

How is believing what HER FATHER says make her gullible? That is her father. Granted what he did was a bit childish but funny at the same time. I would more then likely believe what my Dad said and if he was a prankster like this dad seems would get a laugh out of it. It doesn't say anywhere that the girlfriend call him an asshole and broke up with him afterward. OP simply stated she believed her Father

#33 You have a point; I made an assumption and took the end result to the extreme. It could have just been a prank.

Well, since he already doesn't like you, remind him that instead of the viagra, if he would have eaten the asparagus he could have had a natural aphrodisiac, then wish him luck.

How does what he did make it that the Dad doesn't like him. Please explain your comment. Maybe I am missing something

Why would this be a significant issue? As in, why would your girlfriend react with anger or hostility toward you?

The wording of this is really annoying. One can't "do" an act. You "commit" an act :/.

Your comment is annoying. While you may be correct, I am sure this was not OPs original thought upon posting: "I will post an FML and it will be completely grammatically correct even though I am upset over something". Get your head outta your ass.

For non-native speakers, things like this are issues. It makes us stumble and causes confusion.

Wow...that's all I can really say...just wow...

But you just said other things besides wow man.