Good one

By bf. - 19/12/2013 02:59 - Canada - London

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. Dinner was going well until her dad secretly fed the asparagus to the dog under the table, and then "discovered" what a childish thing I had done. My girlfriend believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 215
You deserved it 3 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead of talking to your girlfriend about it, have a private conversation with her father. Find out what His issue is.


He's testing you to see if your good enough to date his daughter.

perdix 29

Just say you don't want your piss to turn green and stink. Asparagus, spinach and beans are anti-aphrodisiacs -- avoid them in romantic situations.

JMichael 25

He sounds like quite the character. I wish you luck OP.

Don't sweat it. Learn to let the little ones go or come time for a big battle you will lose. Show her reason to trust you through action. If trust becomes an issue then walk. For this one though just let it go.

People stop saying it's not bad, this obviously IS bad to the person who posted it!

scice03 8

Ugh just get out, it's foreshadowing your entire relationship.

renaee 13

When I met my ex boyfriend's mom; Boyfriend: "This is my girlfriend, Jordyn." Boyfriend's mom: "No it's not." Annnnd that's why I don't date.

I like asparagus. My mother knows the right way to cook them with a sweet, buttery type of sauce. Mmmm.

Explain to her that you would not do that because for one you are trying to make a good impression and for two you don't know the dog well enough to feed him something he may or may not be able to eat. And I'd say now I'm angry at you for thinking id be an inconsiderate thoughtless asshole.

I agree that he should just explain the situation to her. But I don't think there's a need for him to get angry. Nowhere in the FML does it say she called him "an inconsiderate thoughtless asshole," only that she believed her father over him (come on, it's her own father, it's hard not to believe him vs a new boyfriend). Perhaps she thought OP was just feeding the dog because he didn't like asparagus and was too embarrassed to say so. Perhaps she thought it was cute or funny, and he wrote the FML because he felt embarrassed at the whole situation. No need to start an argument over something so trivial.