Great job

By onlyme - 23/05/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, I was lining a soccer field. I had the entire grid laid out, so I began to paint with a handheld cart. I finished the entire field without looking back once. I forgot to put paint in the cart. I walked around a field for an hour painting with air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 162
You deserved it 64 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must have been hilarious for someone watching xD

Seriously though you would of noticed when you went to mark the centre spot and the boxes. This is complete BS! LIAR!


The taking of corners and doing the lines in the middle would show you that you did not put paint in. Fake...

LostHope 0

i'm sorry but thats just hilarious!!

how is it possible that you never noticed? you must have been off in your own little world.

SirAlan 0

at least no-one else saw it!

Oriina 0

... Soccer fields are rectangular and have boxes in them. You would've seen the white paint at some point. You have to connect the lines somehow! Or maybe you're just an idiot. You didn't think you were using green paint, right?

infantrygirl 0

How did you NOT notice that? YDI

californiaroll 0

this is fake, the lines would have crossed at one point, either that or you're completely unaware of your surroundings.