He prefers the dog

By Anonymous - 19/11/2019 14:00

Today, my boyfriend kicked me out of bed so the dog could get under the covers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 990
You deserved it 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Charity Taylor 17

This is a pretty gray area. YDI or FYL depends on how you acted about the dog sleeping with you guys on the bed to begin with.


Mathalamus 24

Not unusual. Seems quite normal, actually.

If you snore worse than the dog or are just a bad sleeper in general, I agree with the boyfriend.

He’d rather have the dog lick his balls instead of you sucking him off

The dog will be by his side long after you’re gone. My dog has been through a wife and a gf. She’s still by my side. When my ex cheated on me, ‘Nalla urinated all over the bed to let me know something was wrong. Just sayin

J15237 25

I would give your boyfriend a straight ultimatum on that one. Also as a punishment for him no sex for a month or something similar to that.

julfunky 29

Punishment? That’s a really immature way to handle relationship issues.

Charity Taylor 17

This is a pretty gray area. YDI or FYL depends on how you acted about the dog sleeping with you guys on the bed to begin with.