By Brinty - 16/09/2009 02:43 - Australia

Today, I was napping with my boyfriend and his dog. The dog was making odd coughing noises, but my boyfriend refused to kick him out of the bed. A few moments later, I rolled onto my stomach, into a pile of dog vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 680
You deserved it 4 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you've never had dogs of your own. I would have recognized the sound instantly and at least tried to check. If you have never owned a dog, then it is your boyfriend's fault - he should have recognized it. So FYL.


rachelbrianna25 0

lol, that's nasty. at least it wasn't poo?

momoimmortal 0

hahahahhahahhahahhahahhahah ur so right!!!

I'm guessing you've never had dogs of your own. I would have recognized the sound instantly and at least tried to check. If you have never owned a dog, then it is your boyfriend's fault - he should have recognized it. So FYL.

Agreed. The cough-like noise that dogs make before puking is pretty distinctive and should easily be recognized by any dog owner. In fact, the very first thing I do when my dog starts "coughing" is kick it out of my bed.

Nah, I've never had a dog. I wanted to dog out, but my boyfriend was very adamant that he was fine, cause the dog coughs a lot anyways.

moonlight_daze 8

that's why you don't keep animals in your bed. ydi.

StingMunFizzy 0

And there I thought letting a dirty animal into my bed would be a *good* idea. Thanks for the lesson in "******* obviously stupid ideas"

that's stupid when ya see that the BF's not kicking him off well you should