Helicopter parents

By that girl. - 06/06/2012 05:26 - United States

Today, instead of having my friends come pick me up, my dad drove me over to visit them. He insisted on walking me up to the door, hugging me goodbye, and making sure my friends were appropriate enough to hang out with. I'm in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 528
You deserved it 3 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

You're still their little girl~ But yes, that is a bit embarrassing...

well there could be worse, like he could join you with your friends.


Why must he drive you. Can't you drive yourself if your in college?

jackeechan 10

At least he cares. He will let go eventually though.

tasian14 12

Yep I feel u my dad is the same lol

your dad loves you and you should appreciate that. at this age you shouldnt care who sees you hugging your dad.