Helicopter parents

By that girl. - 06/06/2012 05:26 - United States

Today, instead of having my friends come pick me up, my dad drove me over to visit them. He insisted on walking me up to the door, hugging me goodbye, and making sure my friends were appropriate enough to hang out with. I'm in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 528
You deserved it 3 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

You're still their little girl~ But yes, that is a bit embarrassing...

well there could be worse, like he could join you with your friends.


perdix 29

Yes, you do. Noor also watches me when I sleep. You're gonna have to throw some elbows if you want to establish exclusive possession of your prey. Otherwise, you'll have to share the booty with the rest of the pack. ;)

silentblack 0

I'm a father so I would do the same thing

RedPillSucks 31

You ditched Lucy Lawless for Noor? Perdix, u kray kray, dude *whips out notebook and pen*

emstar828 4

Noor, Perdix, Baustidgt (sorry, I spelled it wrong) -you guys crack me up and you, along with docbastard, are the reason I even read the comments. Continue your affair, I'll just sit here and ready my eggos.

bosquez559 15

Hey you have a father that cares, I don't have that so in this case you should feel grateful he does this for you.

I wouldn't have really been embarrassed. I would have just been like "Whatever."

Hiphuray4peas 27

He is a protective father, just wanted to make sure you are not going into a college orgy party. College days rocks.

Your in college and don't have your license?!?