By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend returned from a 2-month internship in New York. As I saw him exit the plane, I imagined him running to me and kissing/spinning me around passionately like in movies. He got closer and closer, and as I opened my arms to embrace him, he runs past me saying, "BRB, I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 791
You deserved it 10 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Your life is ****** because your boyfriend needed a poo when he got off a plane?


ReallyNeedsRehab 0
alex_vik 0

Another "I wanted my life to be like in the movies and reality sank in" FML. >_>

muffinsareyummy 1

hey, when you've gotta go, you gotta go.

iowagirl1997 0

Aww how romantic lol sorry FYL

hrmmmmm he spins you only after you get off a plane get it right

Nobody wants to take a dump on an airplane. I don't blame him for holding it in, I would do it too.

More like FHL that he actually said BRB. I can't say that without thinking about it first; it's not something I would regularly drop in conversation.

hecuva 0

I don't think he ACTUALLY said BRB... they probably hit the 300 character limit in writing these so just put BRB because we'd all know what it ment