Irrational fears

By emelie000 - 29/07/2022 14:00

Today, my daughter, who can pick up spiders and even snakes without flinching, screamed at the top of her lungs because she saw a mouse. Um, what? FML
I agree, your life sucks 645
You deserved it 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duh, it has the wrong number of legs. Eight legs and zero are perfect numbers and four is incorrect, and therefore, scary! How do you idiots without so-called "OCD" make sense of the world?

Witty and spot-on at the same time. Nice +1


Duh, it has the wrong number of legs. Eight legs and zero are perfect numbers and four is incorrect, and therefore, scary! How do you idiots without so-called "OCD" make sense of the world?

Witty and spot-on at the same time. Nice +1

I'm not afraid of anything on solid land, but show me fish, sea creatures anything that has no legs and I am out. Irrational maybe, but why do you have to eat them, or keep at home as pets.

Yeah! And what about the irrational non-fear of mosquitoes? People hate mosquitoes, but I've never heard of anyone who fears them. We should! Those sons-of-bitches can **** you up more than every other species on Earth combined. Malaria, Zika, West Nile, etc.

LOL My daughters are just the opposite no problem picking up little furry creatures but both scream when they see snakes or spiders or bugs in general 🤦‍♂️

I feel like that is the more common circumstance.

TomeDr 24

Yep, that’s how phobias work. While at work, I’m the resident spider catcher. But the time I saw a mouse, I screamed so loud the entire department heard.

To be fair, spiders don't carry plague fleas. Seems reasonable.