
By hwat? - 09/05/2022 20:00 - United States - Denver

Today, my girlfriend and I were about to have sex for the first time when she revealed her underwear: boxer shorts. She said she wears them because they’re the only underwear that doesn’t ride up her ass crack. Completely killed the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 361
You deserved it 4 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TeaTimeAbyss 20

You sound too immature to have sex

You don’t deserve to be having sex if you have a problem with her wearing boxers. First of all, they are incredibly comfortable, and second of all, her underwear absolutely does not need to turn you on. Please grow up.


you realize you take them off to have sex right?

wrenavery90 12

Seriously? How could that possibly matter?

Why dont you get yourself a pair of ladies panties and wear them for a while and see how uncomfortable it is to have them riding up your butt. Somewhere out there is a guy who would remove those boxers with his teeth, and be happy to do so and if you're going to diss her for those boxers she can just go find him.

You're upset because she wears comfortable underwear? How hard is it to take them off her and toss them to the side? YDI. Hopefully she can find someone more mature who doesn't care what underwear she wears.

Grumpy Jack 26

Whaaaat ??? How can you be so dumb ??? Boxer shorts are both comfy and sexy. Take them off or someone else will do next time !