Mambo number 6

By n/a - 25/11/2009 07:36 - United States

Today, I was working at a children's play centre, and my stomach was twisting and turning. Thinking no one was around, I let out a small fart, only to turn and see a little girl running to her mom, yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! That lady just farted and it sounded like daddy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 122
You deserved it 27 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blah123blah 0

you are human (I am guessing), people fart. I am sure that the mom will not start a website based on everyone who she knows that has farted.


its no big deal. but next time take refuge in the bathroom first

MrThumbsItUpMan 8

I'm pretty sure it's called a queef for girls and farts for guys

Dat troll. If not trolling, google is your friend. If over 12 and English is your first language- please don't reproduce.

Raivyn_Grimm 9

You took the words right out of my mouth. Er... fingertips.

octaviamarieb 18

Wow. Everyone On Here Takes This Stuff So Serious.?✋?. But YDI Do Better.

ChrisMora 16