Mambo number 6

By n/a - 25/11/2009 07:36 - United States

Today, I was working at a children's play centre, and my stomach was twisting and turning. Thinking no one was around, I let out a small fart, only to turn and see a little girl running to her mom, yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! That lady just farted and it sounded like daddy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 122
You deserved it 27 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blah123blah 0

you are human (I am guessing), people fart. I am sure that the mom will not start a website based on everyone who she knows that has farted.


This is not good, kids are kids. I think you should not do that.

Well: Flatulation is caused by Bacteria breaking down all that bad stuff in your gut. Though I dunno I guess if your around others a lot then stock up on Beano! As though yes indeed its natural its still nasty as feces after all is waste that even your body refused...

Lol XD thats lol you could have looked to see if there was a small chile ready to suffocate at your disposal of gas.

Are you embarrassed because you farted or because it sounded like her daddy?

YDI for working at a kids play centre

YDI for having chemical reactions in your digestive system that produce carbon dioxide and other gasses that evolution has made your body expel in an efficient manner. You must be the only one in the world who does this. I mean, just don't eat. It's not that hard. Pardon my sarcasm above, but there are a countless number of idiots on this site. Totally not a YDI at all. (Although this hardly means your life sucks...)

at lease I now know why there is a hole in the ozone lair :D

That was hilarious! lmao Global warming has been explained! :D

if that was a small fart, I wonder what a big fart sounds like!!!!