Mixtapes are my love language

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, at college, the weird guy who stares at me every day came over, said, "I've made you a mixtape," then handed me an old, empty Queen's Greatest Hits CD case and scuttled off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 994
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, of course he used invisible tape ... so that none of his many OTHER "girlfriends" would get jealous. /s

Bismillah, NO! An empty case, Big disgrace, Kicking your tape all over the place! I guess another one bites the dust.



Does he fit the profile of a serial killer?

manb91gb 15

It's the thought that counts... Well, in that case I suppose he should still be locked up right?

Someone has a crush on you, gets his nerves together to tell it to you and all you can do is make fun of him and his attempt? That’s low girl!

You’re lucky the case was empty. Usually, weirdos fill things they give me to their prey with “precious bodily fluids.”

Well, of course he used invisible tape ... so that none of his many OTHER "girlfriends" would get jealous. /s

Bismillah, NO! An empty case, Big disgrace, Kicking your tape all over the place! I guess another one bites the dust.

Brruz 5

Best comment I’ve seen all day

bloopaloop 27

Sooo was there a mix cd in it? What’s the playlist??? If it’s the right playlist you should probably marry him

No, there was nothing in it. That’s what empty means.

PenguinPal3017 19

It was empty. I assume he forgot to put the CD in it.

So he made it a while ago, put it in his car, and by the time he got up the courage to give it to you, it had turned into a Best of Queen album. These things happen.