My Bucket

By pyook - 06/09/2018 23:30

Today, my college class has a strict rule that ANY absence, even if it's because you're sick and have a doctor's note, will drop your grade a letter grade. I have a chronic illness. Today is the second time in the first two weeks that I've had to show up to class with a bucket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 547
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Take it up with the dean of the department or the president of the college. If it’s not against the law, it would most definitely be against school policies. That’s just asking to get everybody sick. And what about people who have disabilities that might cause them to be absent? Do they drop a letter grade too? Cuz if so, then your prof is *definitely* breaking the law.


I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Take it up with the dean of the department or the president of the college. If it’s not against the law, it would most definitely be against school policies. That’s just asking to get everybody sick. And what about people who have disabilities that might cause them to be absent? Do they drop a letter grade too? Cuz if so, then your prof is *definitely* breaking the law.

I have emetophobia and I genuinely would not be able to be in the same room as OP. Even the knowledge that they are going to throw up before they do would be enough to floor me. Even for people without crippling anxiety over people vomiting, how could they possibly concentrate with someone throwing up throughout a class? What an appalling way to treat students.

Throw up on your professor's desk and see if that'll change their mind about their idiotic no-absence policy.

Sounds like your professor needs to go back to teaching middle school.

What kind of a school is this? A forced work camp? This is absurd. Do take it up with someone in the administration, this goes for any student falling ill. It’s not like you are asking to be sick.

Trip and spill the contents of your bucket on your professor on your way out of class.

Check the university policy and complain about it to the dean.

We have the same rule with our biology labs in my school. This is because if you miss more than two labs, it’s next to impossible to catch up since we work with live animals. However, if our students have any chronic illnesses, disabilities or family emergencies, we always tell them to talk to the office student life and accessibility services. Those offices usually sort out any issues fairly quickly. If you go and explain your problem, I doubt your school won’t help you!

Seriously, OP, talk to the Dean of Students, or something. Don't be shy about it. Don't hesitate. This is your life. So do something about it! Sit down for a story: I've had a couple of chronic conditions (poorly treated, but that's another issue). When I was in my first year of undergrad, I got crap grades b/c of missing class. I turned everything in, and I did well on my assignments, but grades would be dropped for missing, and you'd be failed for missing 3 or more classes. I was undiagnosed at that time, and also didn't know I could advocate for myself through the school. I had several meetings w/ professors who were concerned about the amount of class I was missing, but amazed that I had As and Bs on everything. I had transferred schools and knew that accommodations existed but thought that was only for people that were 'worse off' than me. And I was too embarrassed, too. It took me 11 years to get my bachelors, and my GPA doesn't come close to reflecting my aptitude. (Though I did figure out something that 'worked' for me and pulled a 4.0 my last year and a half). I want to go to grad school, but because of my poor academic record early on, I don't know that I can. I've done some great real-world work. But feel pretty capped out. I need more education to achieve what I want. But it's unlikely that I'll be accepted anywhere because of my record/not advocating for myself in undergrad. TLDR- DON'T DO WHAT I DID. GO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT ACCOMMODATIONS. And if you don't get anywhere, try the next person, and the next. DON'T GIVE UP. Be your own advocate.