Needed to know

By ohwell - 09/06/2009 21:40 - United States

Today, I finally confessed to the guy I've liked for two years. I told him that I've really liked him for a long time, and that I knew he had a girlfriend and I didn't expect anything from him, I just wanted him to know. His response? "Are you done? 'Cause I need to go to the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 414
You deserved it 17 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait 2 years and confess when he has a gf? Mm-HM.

Well, you weren't expecting anything from him.... and if he had a girlfriend why bother? if he liked you he would be dating you not her.


YDI... He has a girlfriend!!! He's just being a good boyfriend. Get over it, homewrecker!!!

Googlemypants 0

DDDDD: thats sad he sounds like a jerk ;[ buh at least you had the courage to tell him even though he might not have liked you back and even when he had a girlfriend o-o >->' ^^;

CinderElla21 0

i can almost see it. that dream i am dreaming. but there;s a voice inside my head saying, "You'll never reach it". Every step i'm taking. Every move i make feels, lost with no direction, my faith is shaking. but i gottta keep trying

tick_tock 0

He is a jerk for being so cold about it, but what did you want him to do? Dump his girlfriend?

babybarb 0

YDI, don't flirt with a taken man, you stupid little homewrecker! You make me sick

blahdeda 0

i had almost the same experience. I liked a guy for 2 years, said the same thing you did and got in response "oh hahahahahaha so you're the girl your friend was asking me about." I feel your pain. But don't worry, your time will come to find the right guy.

Very disrespectful to his girlfriend. Disgusting.