Not bothered

By Username - 08/02/2011 16:57 - United States

Today, I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, so I bought M&M's which I had customized with the words "Will you marry me?" on them. She ate them all without reading them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 863
You deserved it 15 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you tell her to look at them??!!

vyvianpenniman 0

The fortune cookies are niftier.


YDI for attempting to propose with such a lame idea.

WhiteZoneRedZone 6

If you two do end up getting married make sure the DJ plays "I Want Candy" at the wedding reception.

When I'm in the same room as a bag of M&M's I have the urge to eat. M&Ms are delicious!

Casandy 0

That was your fault for not telling her to look closer. unless she's just a fatass who scarfs down her food

NancyDeebensDPDS 0

looks like your going out with a fat ass.

Ofcourse she'll eat them, that's what they are for, OP.

i'd love to be propsed to like that <3 marry me instead :D

danielle_nicole 0

Personalized M&Ms come in completely different packaging. You can even order them to come in a nice gift box with a bow and stuff. Plus, the writing on them is very easy to read and it's pretty clear that they are not just regular M&Ms since you pick out the color combination as well. OP isn't the idiot here, his girl is. As someone who has received personalized M&Ms I think that it was a very cute gesture. And to the OP, sorry your girl is oblivious.