Not bothered

By Username - 08/02/2011 16:57 - United States

Today, I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, so I bought M&M's which I had customized with the words "Will you marry me?" on them. She ate them all without reading them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 863
You deserved it 15 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you tell her to look at them??!!

vyvianpenniman 0

The fortune cookies are niftier.


She did read them, and she thought it was a very creative way to propose. In return when she next craps she plans to spell out her answer by wiggling her butt over the bowl and laying out the turds in the shape of a word.

Chamelionsun 0

What a pig. What did she do, dump the whole bag in her mouth all at once?

aww thats a very sweet way to propose, but YDI. you should have made sure she read it. even if you wanted to come across the proposal on her own, you could have made it so she would notice it.

Dont leave us alone with candy lol hope u still got ur message threw .. Good luck

What ever happened to the cliche-down-on-one-knee scenario?...You kids...Always tryin to be flashy....

rockyraccoon28 8

so...did she dump the entire bag into her mouth before you had a chance to say anything, or are you really stupid enough to wait until she's eaten the very last m&m to realize that she didn't get the hint? if I were you, I would have said something when there was a handful left.

That was on a tv show... why do you people need to make up stuff like that?

danielle_nicole 0

Right, because things like this can only happen once in a lifetime. What a stupid comment.

ACSjr 0

u should of told her to read them